Contact Us

Contact Us

You are welcome to send a message/e-mail to to contact us. We will try to reply to you within 48 hours. However, if you don’t receive the reply within 48 hours, please check your spam or junk e-mail folders as e-mails tend to land in those folders sometimes for technical reasons.

You can ask your questions or share your problems with us. We will try to help you to the extent possible by giving an appropriate reply or suggesting a possible solution to your problem, to the best of our judgment and at our absolute discretion. There are no charges for asking a question or sharing a problem but we may not be able to respond, at our discretion, to all the questions, queries or issues due to shortage of counsellors or for any other reason. This service is free of charge as a part of our commitment to social service.

We also provide paid counselling service to those who are interested to talk personally to our counsellors to seek guidance or psychotherapy on phone or video call.
