Generally, people define personality as the ability to impress others or the ability to get along well with others. Some may define it as 'Social attractiveness’. But psychologists have felt that the concept of personality needs to be defined in terms of individuality and consistency. It has been observed that people differ considerably in the way they feel, think and act. This may be said to be defining their personality.

In other words, personality can be defined as a distinct and unique way in which a person thinks, feels and behaves consistently throughout his life.

Determinants of Personality:

There are three categories of determinants of personality:-

1. Biological factors.

2. Psychological factors 

3. Environmental factors.

4. Biological Factors. 

1. Biological factors:     Following are the important biological factors affecting personality development:

(a) Body Build: Psychologists believe that personality has close relation to whether a person is ectomorph (tall and thin) or endomorph (round and soft bodied) or mesomorph (strong and muscular). For example, ectomorphs show greater speed and endurance when compared to endomorphs. Likewise, mesomorphs have greater level of self-esteem because of being strong and muscular.

(b) Physical Attractiveness: Physical attractiveness also affects a personal's personality. It has been observed by psychologists that people are tolerant in their attitude and judgment in respect of physically attractive persons. It has observed that physically attractive employees are treated more favorably by the employers in terms of pay and promotions etc.

(c) Homeostatic: Maintenance of stable internal environment through normal temperature, normal blood pressure, and normal blood sugar levels affect a person's personality. If there is a disturbance in these parameters, a person may not behave normally due to adverse effect of these abnormalities on his personality.

(d) Physical Defeats: These are also determinants of a person's personality. Persons having loss or weakness of any limb may suffer from "organ inferiority'. Obesity is another factor which may adversely affect a person's personality.

(e) Health Conditions: Persons having illnesses like diabetes or blood pressure may experience anxiety and tension which may cause frustration in dealing with other people, and hence adversely affect their personality.

2. Psychological factors: The following psychological factors affect person's personality:

(a) Intellectual determinants: It has been observed that intellectually bright men and women make better personal and social adjustments than those with average or below average intellect. It has also been observed that the people with higher intellect are generally introspective, creative, adventuresome and have strong concern with problems, meanings and values. As they have stronger mental ability, they also have better control over themselves. 

(b) Emotional determinants: Dominant emotions, emotional balance, emotional deprivation, excessive love and affection, emotional catharsis and emotional stress affect a person’s personality in a signific significant manner. It has been observed that cheerful persons are usually happy even when they are in a depressive mood. Deprivation of love and affection or excessive display of love and affection may also affect the personality in an adverse manner. 

(c) Self disclosure: Self-disclosure involves sharing personal feelings and information such one's thoughts, dreams, fears and experiences with others. It is an important way to strengthen relationships and trust; it promotes socially desirable and favorable reactions from others, and thus has a positive impact on one's personality. 

(d) Aspirations and Achievements: Realistic aspirations provide strong motivating factor. However, if the aspirations are unrealistically high and person fails to achieve them, it affects their self- concept. 

Achievements build a person's self-concepts and have a favorable impact on a person's self-esteem and self-confidence.

3. Environmental Factors:     Environmental factors affecting a person’s personality fall in the following four categories: 

(a) Social Acceptance: Social acceptance is a great environmental determinant. Psychologists have observed that the persons who are widely accepted and liked in their social group are likely to respond in a congenial and friendly spirit when compared to those who are exposed to social hostility, disregard and rejection within their social groups. It has also been observed that the persons whose social acceptance is high, are generally outgoing, more flexible, active and daring than those who are moderately acceptable or popular. 

(b) Social Deprivation: Some persons get deprived of the opportunities of love and affection. This leads to social isolation, and has adverse effect on one's personality. Social deprivation is particularly very damaging if it occurs when a person is very young or when he is at the age of late adulthood.

(c) Educational Factors: Psychologists have observed that schools, colleges and teachers have considerable impact a person's personality. Personality is greatly affected by person's attitude towards his school, college, peers and teachers. If such a person has a positive attitude towards them, he will enjoy his academic activities which will have positive effect on his personality.

(d) Family Determinants: Influence of the family at all ages has significant impact on one's personality. Personality gets affected by the treatment meted out to a -person by his parents in his childhood. For example, if the parents are very strict, demanding and punitive, the child tends to become dependent on external controls to guide his/her actions.

Ordinal position of a child amongst his siblings too has an important impact on the development of personality.  First born child lend to be more conforming in nature as compared to subsequently born children.

Size of the family of a child too impacts his personality. While a child in large families tend to become more independent and mature at an early age, a child born in small families may tend to be more self-confident due to extra love and attention he received.
